Powering Net-Zero Ports
The Case For Electrified Container Handling
It is estimated that the global fleet of 100,000-120,000 Container Handling Equipment (CHE) in ports is responsible for 10-15 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum (scope 1 and scope 2 emissions). To put that into perspective, emissions in 2020 were equivalent to the annual emissions of Slovenia.
CHE is a critical enabler of port operations and is used to move containers on and off ships across the world’s 940 container ports. This White Paper, published by APM Terminals and DP World, provides industry stakeholders with a clear roadmap for electrifying CHE within 2-8 years, based on conclusive research into battery-electric container handling.
The roadmap shows electrifying CHE is a solid step the industry can take here and now, which can provide valuable lessons for further electrification of port operations in the race to reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. It is a first step in mobilising industry partners to lift the standard of responsibility together.
White Paper Overview
Now is the time to take action...
The White Paper identifies key levers and related actions that can be taken by the players across the value chain including terminal operators, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s), port authorities, affiliated government entities and shipping line operators.
Are you in the industry? We are looking for your support of the whitepaper’s call to action for the entire port ecosystem and Container Handling Equipment (CHE) value chain to accelerate towards a tipping point for battery electric CHE. Click here to express your interest to support or stay updated.
Terminal Operators

- Re-think the way terminals operate
- Develop terminal-level electrification roadmaps
- Identify workforce training requirements
- Increase / scale up demand

- Cooperate to develop technology standards
Port Authorities and Affiliated Government Entities

- Incentivise the transition to zero-emission CHE fleets
- Make zero-emission CHE a requirement in new proposals
- Provide financing for the required infrastructure
- Ensure clean air mandates for CHE
Shipping Lines

- Identify requirements for end-to-end zero-emission supply chains
- Include zero-emission CHE in green shipping corridor requirements
The Zero Emission Port Alliance (ZEPA) is an industry-wide strategic coalition with the goal of accelerating the journey to zero emissions for container handling equipment (CHE) on ports.
Based on research from the recent whitepaper developed jointly by APM Terminals and DP World, the alliance will work to increase industry wide-adoption of battery-electric CHE by making it more affordable, attractive and accessible.
This will be done across four workstreams, each with a different objective to overcome challenges:
Driving scaled up production capacity and shorter lead times of battery electric CHE by manufacturers & reduce product costs
Bringing down the cost of batteries and charging solutions and simplify implementation through standardization
Facilitate cost-efficient roll-out of power infrastructure for battery electric CHE, shore power and other cargo segments
Creating better market conditions and help accelerate the adoption of untethered battery electric CHE
Let me be clear: we need to accelerate our work in decarbonisation, and we need to do it now. I am happy to say the research we conducted through Systemiq and ZEnMo strongly backs that a tipping point for the electrification for [CHE] is within reach in this decade. We are now calling for action for the entire port ecosystem to accelerate towards this milestone. It is important for us to stand together, take concrete action with several industry partners for this to happen.