New ACT payment service – orange money Wallet
Dear valued customers,
ACT is pleased to announce the introduction of new digital payment services in partnership with orange money Wallet, effective 13 Jun 2024, emphasizing our shared commitment to making transactions secure, efficient, and simple for all.
The additional payment option will support our customers by ensuring an automated payment and container release flow 24/7 allowing goods to move faster.
This new service is supporting our ongoing efforts to digitize and simplify payments for all parties involved in the supply chain and will be followed by other new digital services in 2024.
We are dedicated to providing seamless and secure payment options for all our customers, and this partnership with orange money Wallet is a step towards achieving this goal – we encourage you to learn more and sign-up via the QR code below or by calling 0778477987.
Thank you for your continued partnership with ACT. We look forward to serving you with our state-of-the-art digital payment services.
Kind regards,
Mathias Poulsen
Aqaba Container Terminal
Chief Commercial Officer