APM Terminals Callao's CSR policy is embedded across the company and is based on our values. We adhere to the UN Global Compact, through our parent company. We also have corporate policies for donation and investment in neighboring communities.
We base our investment in Corporate Social Responsibility on Education, Health or Infrastructure Projects, in line with our triple focus model. The projects that we contribute to, include the following highlights:
APM Terminals Callao offers scholarship programs for high-performance secondary education and higher education students with low economic means. Students must reside in the area of immediate direct influence, which includes the residents of AAHH Puerto Nuevo, Barrio Frigorífico, Chacaritas, San Juan Bosco, Pasaje San Pedro and Artisanal Fishermen of Callao and their families.
The company’s Annual Study Scholarship Program at the CETPRO “Nuestra Señora del Rosario” is aimed at training and promoting conditions for development, as well as the generation of income and employment. People of different ages from the area around the terminal including the artisanal fishermen of the DPA Callao and their families, can choose from courses in Customs, Accounting, Office Administration, Primary Teaching, Pharmacology, English, computing, PC assembly, Graphic Design, Clothing, Cosmetology, Baking, Crafts and hairdressing.
In addition, they are given vocational information workshops, job search advice and feedback on their business plan.
The programme is run for the artisanal fishermen of the DPA Callao with the aim of contributing to improve their quality of life as well as having the possibility of having an alternative source of income.
Personal development modules include drawing your future, ideas vs. effort, develop your business, development of new technologies, as well as commercial social networks and business sales workshops.
- Talk on Fire Prevention at AAHH Puerto Nuevo
- Home Safety Talk in the Frigorífico district
- Road Safety Talk in Fiscal District 1 and 3 (Chacaritas)
- Artisanal Fishermen of the DPA Callao
- Safety talks on board and Survival at Sea
- Artisanal Diving Course
- Sailor and Artisanal Fishing Skipper Course in order to formalise their situation before the Maritime Authority.
In order to maintain a relationship of trust between APM Terminals Callao and local communities, and to promote citizen participation and vigilance, the Participatory Monitoring Committee was formed. These are voluntary, unpaid positions of responsibility for the local community.
The committee participates in quarterly monitoring of air quality, noise control, vibrations, observation of the impact on the life of birds within the marine ecosystem and the control of seawater and sediment. The results are delivered to the monitors, so that they can be distributed in their respective communities.
A social complaint and claims mailbox is available in APM Terminals Callao’s public area and on the website. The link is also available on APM Terminals Callao’s Facebook account to make people aware of the procedure and the channel.
Held every Friday of each month for national and foreign institutions and universities.
APM Terminals Callao actively participates in Christmas festivities arranged by the community, and provides gifts to all local children.
Our volunteer program actively involves the company's employees with their neighbours and helps care for the environment.
APM Terminals Callao encourages the hiring of local labour, which represents around 65% of the company's employees.
The company also actively works with the local community to publicize the the terminal's environmental activities, as well as the development of educational visits and training in road safety.