Driver Information
Truck Appointments
Import and exports are only possible with an appointment. Appointments can be changed up to 30 prior to appointment window start. Learn more about TermPoint, our Truck Appointment System. If you have missed your appointment you will need to make a new one for a later date. If rescheduled on the same day, please call us on 866-855-8552.
Terminal Access - TWIC Cards
Anyone accessing the terminal must have a valid, current TWIC card. A card can be extended at any time during the 5 year validity of the card. Please renew/extend your cards well before the expiry date in case of delays. If a driver gets an new card, they should bring the card to the admin building for security to update the expiry date. For further information or to apply online visit:
Drayage Empty Pick-Up Appointments
Mobile, AL currently has off site empty depots for CMA and MSC. If a driver will be making an empty pickup or empty drop off to those sites, please do NOT have that empty transaction within the driver's APM Terminals appointment.
If a driver has an empty appointment, but does NOT complete that appointment (or have it cancelled prior to leaving the facility) this appointment is left "hanging" in the system and incomplete. Hence if that driver arrives back at the terminal for a future appointment, the system will be confused on why a driver is attempting to make a new transaction, when the previous transaction is still active.
This causes the driver to be delayed at the second in-gate transaction (and any subsequent transactions throughout the day). This has a ripple effect on other drivers waiting for additional time. We appreciate everyone's continued efforts in keeping cargo flowing during the past year. Mobile, AL has been proud to provide consistent turn times while many other ports around the world have seen elevated turn times over the past several months.
Overweight Container Acceptance
APM Terminals Mobile cannot accept containers with a weight that exceeds the maximum container weight.
- While on scale driver will be advised if the load is overweight.
- Driver will be allowed to drop weigh container on scale to rule out the tractor being an issue.
- If the container is still overweight the driver will be advised by how much.
- Driver will proceed to out gate to receive an exit pass.

Container Inspections
The container inspection area is now located at the north end of Row 128. Row 128 is now designated for damages ONLY. Workflow can be found here.
Yard Circulation
Yard circulation graphic can be found here.